


I promised Ellen a post about the spikes and toes of the starcraft characters. They are just fully occupied with these things. I have made two versions of a spike as an example. left is the spike with te right side out en on the right side is a spike with the wrong side outside. The first is difficult to crochet, the second more easily. On the first one I started at the base with a magic ring and decreased every fifth stitch. For the top I used a smaller hook. I am not satisfied with the look of it and furthermore I can’t stuff the spike. On the right side of the picture, I started at the top of the spike with a magic ring and increased every fourth stitch. The spike is more straight and easy to make, I don’t have to use a smaller hook. In half an hour a made four of them and they all look the same. Question, can you turnabout the last spike. Yes that is possible, cost a lot of time and effort and the result is round top. I have done t with wider spikes and toes. With the smaller ones it is far more difficult to do.

Greetings Elzeblaadje

4 thoughts on “Spikes

  1. vikingrunnergirl

    How many stitches do you have in the first round for the point down version? I tried making a point-down ice cream cone recently, but it was just too tight to work. I didn’t think of starting with a magic ring, though! And I always work right side out, as well. Perhaps wrong side out would be easier to do in tight spaces?

    I can make good-looking points working from the base first, but those pattern instructions always end with “fudge this until it looks like a point” as the last few lines. I’m hoping to learn how to make them consistently so I can share patterns with other people!

    1. elzeblaadje Post author

      The spikes for the overlord are made with the wrong side out. That is easier to crochet.
      I make a magic ring with 4 sc in the ring, more or less can also, if you want a bigger or smaller object.
      After crocheting the first four stitches i make the fifth sc in the first stitch and pull on the thread of the magic ring, so a cone will be formed. Crochet further increasing regular.

      You can also do it on the right side, but you have to turn your work inside out after the first stitches. It can help to bring the magic ring thread also to the other side and hold it firmly while crocheting the sc.

      Increase every second or third sc and a nice cone will arise. It can help to crochet with a smaller hook also.

      I hope this will help, making a lot of spikes will give you more skill in it. I was also very frustrated while making the spikes.

      Succes and greetings, Elzeblaadje


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